Number of settlements
Surface area in km²
Population density (people per km²)
E–Government Development Index
Number of population according to the 2011 Census
Crude rate of total population change
Total fertility rate
Average age
Crude mortality rate
Internal migrations
Old-age dependency ratio
Young dependency ratio
Completed dwellings from 2011
Total length water network
Total length of sewerage network
Active sole proprietors
Number of new sole proprietors
Number of closed proprietorships
Number of active enterprises
Number of founded enterprises
Number of closed enterprises
Number of active enterprises in the process of liquidation
Number of active enterprises in the process of bankruptcy
Number of large enterprises
Number of medium size enterprises
Number of small enterprises
Number of micro enterprises
Number of enterprises without size evaluation
The number of exporters
Registered unemployment
Export values in EUR
Average monthly net earnings by municipality of residence of employees
Utilised agricultural area
Number of holdings
Број условних грла
Економска величина газдниства у мил. евра
Број газдинстава која потроше више од 50% сопствених пољопривредних производа на газдинству
Number of children in educational institutions of preschool education
Preschool institutions and facilities
Number of facilities in which preschool education programme is implemented
Number of regular primary schools at the beginning of school year
Number of primary schools/classes for students with disability at the beginning of the shool year
Number of regular primary schools at the beginning of the school year
Number of satellite classrooms at the beginning of the school year
Teachers in regular primary schools at the beginning of the school year
Teachers in primary schools for students with disabilities at the beginning of the school year
Number of students in regular primary schools at the beginning of the school year
Number of students in regular main primary schools at the beginning of the school year
Number of students in satellite classrooms at the beginning of the school year
Number of students in primary schools for students with disabilties at the beginning of the school year
Number of regular secondary schools, at the beginning of the school year
Number of students in secondary schools/classes for students with disabilities at the beginning of the school year
Number of pupils in secondary schools, at the beginning of the school year
Number of teachers in regular secondary schools at the end of the school year